Thursday, July 9, 2009

3 cm!

So today I had a Dr. appt today and all seemed well. He asked if I wanted him to "check me out" and I said sure. He told me that first time mom's typically don't dilate until at least a week before since they typically deliver late. He didn't want me to get my hopes up. So come to find out I am 3cm! He was very impressed with the "progress". Here comes the "to much information" part. While he was down there he said he was trying to "stretch" my cervix and as he is doing this he tells me that it can trigger labor. Great... He said he would be surprised if I make it to my next appointment, which is next Thursday the 16th. SO.......any day now!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Any day now.....

As most of you know I am officially full term now; in fact only 11 more days! Most first time moms go past their due date but my cousin was almost 2 weeks early so you never know! Albert and I are getting very excited to meet our baby boy. We are anxious to see him, whose eyes will he have? Whose nose and mouth? Will he have hair? Will he have a big head? Ok, so I am more curious about that than Albert for obvious reasons. : ) I have been lucky enough to have TWO baby showers where our baby boy got very spoiled. Everyone who attended were very generous. This baby will be the best dressed boy in town! We have been very lucky; THANK YOU!

A couple weeks ago I took a group b strep test to see if I had it. It is a bacteria that 1 in 3 women in general have but is benign to them. However, it can pose serious and potentially life threatening consequences to baby during birth. If tests came back positive they give mom antibiotics through IV during labor for baby. Luckily my test came back negative so no need to worry about it. Just one more test I "passed"! Hooray!

Last weekend, 4th of July, it was very warm here and to be honest, I was miserable! It was in the high 80's and no AC. Ugh. One day I just laid on the couch in shorts and my sleep bra and slept; if a human being could actually wilt, I did. It was rough. Now we are back to cool weather and I am so happy. The forecast looks to be more "normal" (mid 70's) through my due date which is so good to see! I start my maternity leave on the 13th and am so glad I decided to start it early. I was planning to work up to labor but in the past 2-3 weeks I have become very, very uncomfortable and tired. I've just been feeling so lazy and extremely sick of being pregnant. I just can't get comfortable doing anything except for sitting in my new rocker chair and putting my feet up but even then I am not 100% comfortable. Getting into bed and getting comfortable has even become a struggle. I seriously feel like I am 90 yrs old. It is sad and embarrassing. :( Luckily Albert has been very understanding and helpful.

Enough complaining for now. I will try to do one more post before baby R is born, depending on when he decides to show up. I plan to also blog once he has arrived and I may create a whole new blog for that. I will let you know know if I do! Please keep Albert, baby R and I in your thoughts and prayers that we make it through labor, delivery and the first few days of his arrival ok! Stay tuned, the next couple weeks should be exciting!