Friday, April 24, 2009


Baby R is moving a lot and there have not been any "down" days since the last one! Albert and I just found out that one of our friends is having twins and then a lady came into my work today and is having triplets! Wow!! Thank goodness there is just one here! I could NOT imagine having twins let alone triplets! They are the first for both our friend and this customer, which I suppose isn't so bad considering you don't know how much "easier" it would be with just one. The gal with triplets is having all girls; could you imagine 3 girls?!? Think about the prom's, wedding's and just plain clothes, shoes and purses!! This lady lady and her husband had to buy a new vehicle just to fit three car-seats in! Crazy! I tell you, it makes me very thankful for the one boy we are having! Phew!

On another note, as some of you know I took my glucose test Wednesday afternoon and have yet to hear from the doctor. I am hoping that is a good thing. I think my cousin said she heard the next day that she had failed it and had to do it again (a three hour test that showed she did NOT have gestational diabetes). So cross your fingers that I passed and don't have to do that one too!