Friday, February 20, 2009

It's a boy!!

So today was the big day and we found out a couple things;  1. it's a boy and 2. he's lazy or as the ultrasound tech said "cozy" (he never moved the whole time we were there!).  Regardless, it's a boy and we are so happy to finally know.  It all seems more real new too!  Albert, of course, is thrilled!!  I was a bit disappointed at first to be honest then realized we wouldn't have to pay for a wedding (not the best "positive" but it was all I had at the moment!)!  I really was hoping for a girl, I mean I had a few names already picked out, a favorite bedding for the crib we haven't even thought about yet and even thought about all the pink I would get to buy.  Well all that changed today and now I look forward to blue!  

After digesting it and talking about it with Albert and co-workers at work a boy is a god thing. My cousin, Suzanne's son Shaun, just turned 1 last week and they live really close so he will have a playmate for life. One of my best friends, Erin who lives in Oregon, just had a boy in November as well!  So there are lots of new baby boys he will be around and new moms that can give me advice in this boy thing. The best part is that he is a "he" and not an "it" anymore. So now the fun comes, all the picking out of things in boy colors!  : ) 

I cannot believe we are having a baby and not just any baby but a baby boy!  Wow!  What a little miracle!  Our next doctor's appointment is March 9th but I don't expect any actual news to come from it but be sure to check back frequently!

Here is a side profile of baby boy Rodriguez from today.  His head is on the left with his body on the right and a hand sticking up in the middle!  The dark spot on his head is an eye socket and at the bottom of the body you can kind of see the spine and another arm and hand.  The white parts are bones!  It's hard to believe that this little human is living and growing inside of my belly! AMAZING!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week 18

I am half through week 18 and officially showing! A customer of mine actually asked if I was pregnant.  I have the feeling some haven't said anything in fear I was just gaining weight.  I have been finally feeling somewhat normal for about 2 weeks now, finally!  I was so very sick for the first 3 and half months.  It was a rough going; it is a good thing I have such awesome, understanding co-workers.  They not only took good care of me but also helped keep my secret until I was full ready to share it with the world. 

Friday Albert and I get to possibly find out the sex; I cannot wait!  I know there is a good chance we may not find out then but at the same time if we don't I will be so disappointed!  So hopefully our baby is not as stubborn as we are! Of course I am very much hoping for a girl as well as my mom and good friend Rita.  However, Albert, his whole family and all the guys at work and very much hoping for a boy.  I will for surely let you all know when we find out! (Keep your fingers crossed we are able to!)

I will try to post something weekly to share what's happening with the baby and how I am feeling.  In the meantime thank you for all your support in this exciting path Albert and I are on.